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ALL RISE – Use Guidelines

A. Background – Feel free to use this text in your materials.

Administered by the International Law Students Association (ILSA), the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition is the world’s largest moot court competition, with more than 2,000 law students from more than 600 universities representing 90 countries participating annually.

White & Case became a Global Partner of the Jessup in 2007 and the International Rounds sponsor in 2010. The Firm supports 14 Jessup Competitions around the world in addition to the White & Case International Rounds, which take place in Washington, DC each spring.

In an effort to further promote and tell the story of the Jessup, White & Case worked with ILSA and a documentary film company to create an award-winning, feature-length film ALL RISE: Journeys to a Just World.

ALL RISE focuses on the stories of seven law students competing in the Jessup, hailing from India, Israel, Jamaica, Palestine, Russia, Singapore and Uganda. These law students advanced through national competitions to the world championships in Washington, DC. Their hard work is put to the test, as they are grilled by volunteer judges from around the world, including sitting judges from the International Court of Justice, and we see them overcome pressure and personal challenges to persevere in the Jessup.

ALL RISE focuses on the stories of seven law students competing in the Jessup, hailing from India, Israel, Jamaica, Palestine, Russia, Singapore and Uganda. These law students advanced through national competitions to the world championships in Washington, DC. Their hard work is put to the test, as they are grilled by volunteer judges from around the world, including sitting judges from the International Court of Justice, and we see them overcome pressure and personal challenges to persevere in the Jessup.

ALL RISE has been selected by the DOC NYC Film Festival, the Manchester Film Festival, where it received a Jury Award, and most recently at the United Nations Association Film Festival in California. It has also been selected for the American Film Showcase.

The Jessup Competition is a great untold story—many people in the legal community and most of the general public do not know about the competition, the challenges many students overcome just to participate, and the positive effect it has on the legal profession. The hope is that ALL RISE will be used, not only to build support for Jessup by recruiting new teams and develop support, but on a broader scale to provide a story of inspiration and hope for the future of international law in world affairs.

Click here to see the movie trailer. More information on ALL RISE can be found on the movie website.

B. Use of ALL RISE

1. Screening – You will screen the film only once. Permission for additional screenings must be
requested in writing to ILSA at and

 2. You shall not copy, share, distribute, or sell ALL RISE.
 3. If you are provided  ALL RISE on a DVD or USB flash drive, you will return
the DVD or USB flash drive in the self-addressed envelope provided to ILSA within
14 days following the screening.
 4. Promotion


In conjunction with this license to show ALL RISE, you are licensed to promote the film to support efforts regarding the Jessup Competition. Below are authorized materials and uses for the promotion of the film.

a. Graphics and Collateral Samples

You will use the official artwork and templates for invitations, programs or postcards. These items will be emailed upon receiving a screening request.

b. Media


  • Press coverage, including interviews with the Director Jay Shapiro and characters from the film, may be found here (scroll down).

c. Acknowledgement: You will acknowledge ILSA and White & Case in promotional materials
and any remarks at screening events.

d. Potential Screening Opportunities
There are many ways to make the most of screening ALL RISE. Below are a few possible
opportunities to consider.

  • Fundraising event – sell tickets to the screening to raise money for the national competition or travel costs for the winning team to compete in Washington, DC


  • Potential sponsors – use the film to introduce the Jessup to potential long-term sponsors of the national competition or a particular team


  • University support – use the film to gain University support for the Jessup and teams, whether that would be financial or academic credit


  • Outreach and new team recruitment – invite faculty or interested students from other law schools to recruit teams for the following Jessup season